Cyberpunk 2077’s DLC has arrived called Phantom Liberty. The game may finally have reached true RPG status with the 2.0 update and this new DLC. It’s more tactical, with more mechanics that makes for a greater, more diverse set of gameplay moments. Spider-Man 2 is also here and we dive into this wonderful playground of New York as Peter Parker and Miles Morales. Our target is Kraven the Hunter among others and this adventure is sure to capture the hearts of Spidey fans all over.
Brett is back into Battlefield 2042. Recently, they reached over 100k players on Steam which begs the question…is Battlefield 2042 back? We think so. Also, Warhammer 40k Darktide released a brand new skill system. This big overhaul is way better and makes it feel like a different game. Is this game returning back from the dead?
Show Notes
Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Review and CDPR Redemption
Spider-Man 2 First Look
The Battlefield 2042 Redemption Story
Is Warhammer 40k Darktide Back from the Dead?
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