This weekend the Marvel Avengers beta came out for PS4 pre-orders. We got our hands on it and played the full beta. We’re happy to say that the results are very positive. It was a ton of fun to step in the shoes of all the Avengers characters and we can’t wait to see more from this game. We also literally dove into Fall Guys, the new 60 player game show royale that’s taken over the world by storm. We talk about the initial experiences in this innovative new palette cleanser.
The big news this week is Dr. Disrespect is back. He’s now streaming on YouTube for the time being and amassed 500k viewers in his first stream. It’s like he never left. Remedy announces a crossover DLC for Control featuring Alan Wake and then Playstation has a ho-hum State of Play. Apple is also at war with Microsoft as they do what they can to keep xCloud off their App Store.
Our discussion this week is on the top 5 games that deserve a sequel. There’s been a lot of great games over the years but a few deserved a sequel that never got it. After listening, email us at and let us know what you think deserves to be on this list!
Special thanks to Crazzie Pro Gear. They provided us with some incredible pro-level backpacks for carrying our computer equipment to all our events. If you want a bag yourself, head over to their website to purchase one! A portion of the proceeds go to support The Inner Gamer.
Check out our favorite video clips from the news every Thursday at our YouTube Channel.
Show Notes
Marvel Avengers Beta
Fall Guys
Dr. Disrespect, State of Play and Project xCloud
Top 5 Games that Deserve a Sequel
Upcoming Video Game Releases
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The Inner Gamer is a podcast built for the casual gamer. Your weekly dose of video game news, reviews, opinions and discussions every Tuesday. Like what you hear? Share our podcast with your friends! Also, be sure and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes and leave us a review! You can find all of our social channels and contact us at
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