Concrete Genie is the latest PS4 exclusive with a single player only campaign. It’s a beautiful game where you create art in a drab, run down old town. You begin to find that the art can come alive and it makes for an interesting, emotional and inspiring experience. We also try out the new release of the Pacific Theater in Battlefield 5! They released two new maps: Pacific Storm and Iwo Jima. It breathes some new life into the Battlefield series.
In the news, Ninja asks for special treatment for content creators when doing things like hacking in gaming. China fears youth are addicted to games and starts to bring about a curfew and a writer from Polygon states that Need for Speed Heat may be setup for failure because it has no microtransactions.
Our discussion topic goes over multiplayer map design. After going from Call of Duty Modern Warfare into Battlefield 5, we realize more about what makes a map really good. Modern Warfare has some inherant flaws and we relate them to our past experiences in games that truly delivered great maps.
Special thanks to Crazzie Pro Gear. They provided us with some incredible pro-level backbacks for carrying our computer equipment to all our events. If you want a bag yourself, head over to their website to purchase one! A portion of the proceeds go to support The Inner Gamer.
Check out our favorite video clips from the news every Thursday at our YouTube Channel.
Show Notes
Concrete Genie
Battlefield 5: Pacific Theater
Gaming News
What makes good multiplayer map design?
Upcoming Video Game Releases
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