This week we escape prison and play tug of war! We share our impressions on The Escapists 2, the prison break 8-bit game that releases today. The Escapists 2 introduces multiplayer where you and your friends work together to escape from a variety of prison scenarios by crafting, stealing, brawling and ultimately escaping. We also review Nidhogg 2 where you and another play also brawl in a tug of war style of game. It’s incredibly brutal and bloody and awesome. We also play Oceanhorn which is out now on the Nintendo Switch. It turns out its a bit of a Zelda-Lite kind of game ported from the mobile market.
In our news segment, we talk about No Man’s Sky actually reaching it’s potential it sought after. Star Wars Battlefront 2 may also be reaching that same potential with some epic space battles. Finally, we talk a lot about what to expect from Gamescom including news from Blizzard, Sea of Thieves and Destiny.
Finally, our discussion this week centers around the Xbox One X. With Crackdown 3 pushed back to 2018, the only exclusive with 4K coming to the system we know of is Forza Motorsport 7. What does that mean for the future of the console? Does it have what it takes to makes sales or is next year its time to shine? Let us know in the comments!
Show Notes
Nidhogg 2
The Escapists 2
Oceanhorn: Monsters of the Uncharted Seas
Gaming News
The Future of the Xbox One X
Upcoming Video Game Releases
The Inner Gamer is a podcast built for the casual gamer. Your weekly dose of video game news, reviews, opinions and discussions every Tuesday.
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