Brett plays Yakuza Like a Dragon now that it’s here for PS5. It’s a new direction for the franchise with a new protagonist. It’s a fun game with a lot of cutscenes and lots of exciting story beats. It’s basically Japanese GTA with a lot of humor. We also talk about Operation Hawkeye: Future Imperfect from Marvel’s Avengers.
In the news, Square Enix had a presentation announcing many new games, PSVR reveals their new controller designs and we talk about how a developer fixed load times or GTA Online and Rockstar made it official.
This week’s discussion is on the legacy of stealth games. We look at games from Splinter Cell to Hitman to see how they’ve evolved over the years and what we hope to see in the future. What’s your favorite stealth game? Email us at and we’ll talk about it on a future cast!
Check out our favorite video clips from the news every Thursday on our YouTube Channel.
Show Notes
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Operation: Hawkeye Future Imperfect
Square Enix Presents, PSVR2 Controller and GTA Fixes
The Legacy of Stealth Games
Upcoming Video Game Releases
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