This week we dive deep into The Last of Us Part 2. Brett beat it over the holidays and we wanted to do a spoilercast about why it wasn’t our Game of the Year, but also why we think it deserves more credit than it got. It’s an incredible game, with a few wrong decisions that resulted in a weaker story than what could’ve been and gameplay not much improved upon the first game. THERE WILL BE SPOILERS. Skip ahead to 41:37 to skip past the spoilers.
In the news, we talk about Battlefield 6 being inspired by Battlefield 3, the new on Resident Evil Village now coming in May and the price hikes from Microsoft.
Our discussion this week revolves around deserted islands. We ask the question, what is the one game you would want to play if stuck on a deserted island? We also have some community picks as well.
Check out our favorite video clips from the news every Thursday on our YouTube Channel.
Show Notes
The Last of Us Part 2 (Spoilers)
Battlefield 6, Resident Evil Village, Microsoft Price Hikes
If you were stranded on a deserted island with only one game, what would it be?
Upcoming Video Game Releases
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Woman Announcer – Arie Guerra; Actress
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