The Inner Gamer,

271: Half-Life Alyx, Resident Evil 3 and The Future of Gaming

June 02, 2020

After much difficulty, Brett finally gets Half-Life: Alyx working enough to get it running. After 3-4 hours of gameplay, he’s walked away very pleased. This game takes virtual reality to a whole different level. The immersion you experience from simply picking up an object to using gravity hands to interact with the world around you, it’s an incredible experience. The story is great and the gameplay is well-built in a fully-fledged Half-Life story. Austin also plays Resident Evil 3 and beats it! He shares his experience and frustrations jumping through the game.

In the news, there are several gameplay events that took place. One is The Last of Us Part 2 and the other was Outriders. Both games show a completely different experience but have a lot to offer in the current (and potentially next-gen) lineup of games. Xbox Series X will supposedly launch with thousands of games and Kingdom Hearts may be made into a Disney + TV show.

Our discussion this week revolves around what would’ve been the reveal event for the PS5 this week. Due to the recent protests, Sony has decided to postpone the event so that other voices can be heard. With that said, we still speculate what the future of gaming looks like and what should Sony be doing with this reveal event whenever we do see it rescheduled. Let us know what you think by emailing us at!

Special thanks to Crazzie Pro Gear. They provided us with some incredible pro-level backpacks for carrying our computer equipment to all our events. If you want a bag yourself, head over to their website to purchase one! A portion of the proceeds go to support The Inner Gamer.

Check out our favorite video clips from the news every Thursday at our YouTube Channel.

Show Notes
    • 2:26

      Half-Life: Alyx

    • 29:33

      Resident Evil 3

    • 45:30

      Gaming News

    • 1:18:02

      What the Future of Gaming Should Look Like

    • 1:55:23

      Upcoming Video Game Releases

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