Control is the latest game from Remedy Entertainment, creators of Alan Wake, Max Payne and Quantum Break. This latest entry Brett has played several hours of and has some positive things to say. It’s a nice change of pace as a true to form single player experience.
In our news, Cyberpunk 2077 developers CD Projekt Red have released some new footage with further details about the game. Telltale Games is getting revived and Amazon may have leaked Overwatch for the Switch. We also have the industry’s first mental health event coming in October.
In our discussion, we talk about the craze that is World of Warcraft: Classic. It’s back and everyone is back in the WOW obsession. Austin talks about his experiences and we go through some of the happenings of the last week.
Special thanks to Crazzie Pro Gear. They provided us with some incredible pro-level backbacks for carrying our computer equipment to all our events. If you want a bag yourself, head over to their website to purchase one! A portion of the proceeds go to support The Inner Gamer.
Check out our favorite video clips from the news every Thursday at our YouTube Channel.
Show Notes
Gaming News
Wow Classic: How It Came to Be and Why This is Huge for Gamers
Upcoming Video Game Releases
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