The 11th installment in the Mortal Kombat series has arrived. With it comes a few new characters, a new story mode, Towers of Time and an elaborate tutorial. There is a lot to digest in this game we cover a few of the parts that make this great…and not so great. We also cover Dark Devotion, an RPG where you put your Templar faith to the test as you dive deeper and deeper into the darkness.
In our news, Fortnite has a new surprise in their latest season, Sony has their 2nd state of play with an exciting Final Fantasy announcement and Ubisoft announces Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. There were also over 150 employees who walked out of Riot Games to protest forced arbitration.
In our news, we talk about the monetization strategies that still plague games today. A US senator is looking to ban loot boxes and pay to win items that prey on children. Additionally, EA is changing their strategy now that they see Anthem’s development and launch strategy didn’t work. Will we enter a phase of most games being forever “early access”?
Check out our favorite video clips from the news every Thursday at our YouTube Channel.
Show Notes
Mortal Kombat 11
Dark Devotion
Gaming News
Monetization Strategies and Forever “Early Access” Games
Upcoming Video Game Releases
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