The Inner Gamer,

218: Katana Zero, World War Z and Borderlands 3

May 06, 2019

Katana Zero is that indie game we’ve all been waiting for this year. Produced over a period of 6 years by one developer, this is a cyberpunk, neo-noir style side scrolling action game. It reminds us quickly of Celeste gameplay but the story here is so well delivered and the gameplay is incredible. We also get back into World War Z since Brett convinces Austin to finally get it. Our review covers all episodes but the Tokyo level.

In our news, there is a lot of virtual reality news this week. Valve has announced their Index headset which sold out in 30 minutes, Oculus is shipping their new headsets by the end of the month and we are getting a flagship Valve game in VR by the end of the year. Epic Games is making moves and they recently just acquired Rocket League’s developer Psyonix. There are also hints a Left 4 Dead 3 is in production.

In our discussion,we talk about the live stream showcasing gameplay from Borderlands 3. It looks incredible and we dive into some of the new features that come with the game. We also talk about some of the controversy that Randy Pitchford can’t seem to avoid with him taking offense to an article clarifying what was said during the live stream. Either way, we’re excited for Borderlands 3.

Check out our favorite video clips from the news every Thursday at our YouTube Channel.

Show Notes
  • 3:31

    Katana Zero

  • 18:49

    World War Z Revisited

  • 28:21

    Gaming News

  • 53:56

    Borderlands 3 Impressions and Randy Pitchford

  • 1:17:23

    Upcoming Video Game Releases

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