We have a special guest return to the podcast this week! He joins us to talk about Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice so we can determine how it compares to the Souls series. Brett also plays Orwell: Ignorance is Strength, a game from 2018 where you play as big brother amidst a world of unrest.
In the news, Borderlands 3 has a release date and is a 6 month Epic Games Store exclusive. Gamestop reports a lot of losses yet again and Square Enix is threatened in Japan. April Fools Day came and went and had a ton of reveals about funny new technology and updates that are hilariously accurate.
Our discussion revolves around the Kotaku article from Jason Schreier about what went wrong with Bioware. We share our opinions on the Anthem launch debacle, the leadership struggles and the problematic game engine for an RPG. You can read the full article on Kotaku.
Check out our favorite video clips from the news every Thursday at our YouTube Channel.
Show Notes
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength
Gaming News
What Went Wrong with Bioware
Upcoming Video Game Releases
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Woman Announcer – Arie Guerra; Actress