Brett reviews a cozy farming game called Lightyear Frontier. You get a mech that looks an awful lot like a tractor transformer and collect resources, farm and explore the world. It’s a fun game available on Xbox Game Pass for you and up to 3 other friends.
We also go down a rabbit hole with TV Shows. We review Season 2 of the Halo tv show as well as the new Prime series for Fallout. Both are good in their own ways, with Fallout really blowing us away with their attention to detail in capturing the feeling of Fallout. The characters are mostly great, but the world building is what really blew us away.
We also look at live services games and talk about a surprising statistic that 60% of games played in 2023 were 6 years or older. What does this mean for the future of story content and gaming in general? Are we going to see less bets on new IP as a result of this? We also later talk about WB’s plan to go all in on live service gaming and how we think this is the wrong move for them.
Lastly, Austin plays Stellar Blade from a Korean studio and is blown away by how much fun it is. There’s no message here other than a great story with great combat and a fresh, new experience.
Show Notes
Lightyear Frontier Review
Halo Season 2 Review
Fallout Prime Series Episode 1-4 Review (Mild Spoilers)
Why is 60% of Gaming Spent on Older Games?
Stellar Blade Demo: This is Entertainment
WB Games is in Freefall
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