The Inner Gamer,

310: Watch Dogs Legion MP, Baldur’s Gate 3 and TMNT

March 16, 2021

The team is a bit hungover so we cut back on the content this week with a shorter episode. We talk about our experiences in Watch Dogs Legion multiplayer and jump back into Baldur’s Gate 3.

In the news, Bethesda is bringing 20 games to Game Pass, Roblox went public and TMNT is back in the form of a new game!

Our discussion this week is a random segment where Brett talks about a funny YouTube video in Valheim from Let’s Game It Out. We also talk about a few other random topics in gaming from how we’re getting older and what games people will look back on as classics when we had Mario and the likes.

Check out our favorite video clips from the news every Thursday on our YouTube Channel.

Show Notes
  • 3:13

    Watch Dogs Legion Multiplayer

  • 15:24

    Baldur’s Gate 3

  • 23:25

    Bethesda on Game Pass, Roblox and TMNT is Back

  • 37:23

    Random Segment

  • 1:01:06

    Upcoming Video Game Releases

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The Inner Gamer is a podcast built for the casual gamer. Your weekly dose of video game news, reviews, opinions and discussions every Tuesday. Like what you hear? Share our podcast with your friends! Also, be sure and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes and leave us a review! You can find all of our social channels and contact us at


“Blue Groove Deluxe” by BlueFoxMusic on
Woman Announcer – Arie Guerra; Actress
“Wisdom” by Super Nostaglia 64

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