This week we dive deep into Destiny 2 Shadowkeep. We share all the good and the bad of this new expansion that takes us back to the moon. It brought Austin back, will it bring you back? We also dive into the new map from Apex Legends World’s Edge. It’s quite a change from the previous one but it’s a breath of fresh air to have a brand new design underway!
For our news this week, Blizzard really wants Overwatch characters in Super Smash Bros. Ubisoft removes some of their microtransactions, Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming to PC and Ms. Marvel was revealed in the new Avengers video game trailer.
If that wasn’t enough, we have a really exciting special guest for you all this week! Jim Foronda plays the voice of Claptrap in Borderlands 3 and he joins us to talk all about it! We discuss his early days getting into voice acting after leaving the advertising industry. Then we explore his long history with Gearbox Software voicing characters in Borderlands 2, Battleborn and now Borderlands 3. We explore some of the hidden secrets in the game, talk about his favorite weapons and his favorite moments. It’s a fun conversation you won’t want to miss!
You can find Jim on Twitter @JimForonda.
Special thanks to Crazzie Pro Gear. They provided us with some incredible pro-level backbacks for carrying our computer equipment to all our events. If you want a bag yourself, head over to their website to purchase one! A portion of the proceeds go to support The Inner Gamer.
Check out our favorite video clips from the news every Thursday at our YouTube Channel.
Show Notes
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep
Apex Legends
Gaming News
Interview with Jim Foronda: Voice of Claptrap in Borderlands 3
Upcoming Video Game Releases
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Woman Announcer – Arie Guerra; Actress